PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FORM Employee Name: (Optional) Training Date: * Professional Learning Title: * Location: * Training Content The training content was relevant to me * Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor The amount of material covered was sufficient * Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Instructional methods & media were used appropriately which made learning easy * Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor I am confident of using the concepts covered * Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Duration of the training was appropriate Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor The training met my expectations Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor FACULTY Faculty had a good grasp of the subject Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor The concepts were clearly explained Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Faculty involved all participants Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor My questions were answered adequately Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Faculty was supportive and encouraging Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor The training met my expectations Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor FACILITIES AT TRAINING VENUE Ambience Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Food and Beverage Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Training equipment Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor THREE (3) MOST USEFUL ASPECTS OF THE TRAINING FOR ME WERE: 1 of 3: 2 of 3: 3 of 3: PLEASE INDICATE HOW YOU ARE GOING TO USE ABOVE STATED 3 ASPECTS IN CONNECTION TO THE ACTIVITY: Day to day role/job in the district Improvement of my performance My future growth THREE (3) LEAST USEFUL ASPECTS OF THE TRAINING FOR ME WERE: 1 of 3: 2 of 3: 3 of 3: PLEASE GIVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THIS TRAINING. Suggestions: OVERALL RATING OF THIS TRAINING: Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Thank you for your cooperation! Your input is important. Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the questions about the professional learning event you attended. All of the information in this evaluation is confidential. Your name will NOT appear with any of the responses. Leave Blank This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.