Primary Function
The primary function of my position is to establish and facilitate internal and external communications that promote a positive perception of the Kainai Board of Education (KBE).
Under the supervision of the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent, I fulfil this responsibility for our stakeholders by reinforcing KBE’s Board Priorities and ensuring that all communications align with KBE’s commitment to the principles of Kainaiyssinini.
- Increased Student Learning
- Governance
- Blackfoot Language and Culture
"Kainaiyssinni, The Creator put on this earth all peoples with a unique culture and language to occupy a specific territory of land to fulfill His purpose for creation. Thus, the Kainai Board of Education, a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, among other beliefs:
- speak the Blackfoot language;
- hold Ninaistako and Mookowanssini as sacred monuments; which among other beliefs include the Sundance;
- socially and tribally organized into extended families, clans and tribes;
- govern ourselves according to customs given to our people by the Creator;
- maintain ourselves under the guidance of our Creator and to initiate a sense of responsibility to our people and nation;
- to continue to seek better means of survival;
- to provide for an orderly and accepted way of carrying on our culture;
- to allow for freedom of expression and diversity;
- and in general, to promote the rights, powers and welfare of our Nation"
Internal Communication:
- Coordinate with all departments and schools throughout KBE district for:
- Student Recruitment Advertising
- Event planning
- Develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive communications strategy
- Provide training to staff on communication processes and best practice standards
- Implementing consistent branding standards for public relations materials
- Collect, organize, and digitize historical data for KBE archives and research purposes
- Coordinate and "encourage recognition of employees and/or school department to further support the Vision and Mission" of KBE (Policy: Employee Recognition)
- Develop communication content on behalf of the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and/or KBE Chairperson.
External Communication:
- Website Management & Analytics
- Social Media Management, Security & Analytics
- KBE LED Signage Screen Management for Student Recruitment Advertising
- (Provincial Highways and/or School Locations)
...for KBE Departments and KBE Schools
- Network with Kainaiwa Blood Tribe Departments and Entities
- Network with Treaty #7, Siksikaitsitapi, and local School Districts
- Utilize local newspapers to engage Kainaiwa Blood Tribe and surrounding communities
...for KBE Stakeholders
KBE Communications Officer
Christine Goodstriker, BMgt
403-737-3966 Ext.250 | 403-393-5310 |